Gus Gilchrist Granted Release from Maryland—Lakers 2 to 1 Favorite Over the Celtics

    In an incredible turn of events, Gus Gilchrist, Maryland’s heralded 2008 recruit asked for and was granted a release from Maryland on Tuesday. Though it is not certain, Gilchrist desires to play outside of the ACC in order to avoid the extra semester transfer penalty that was thrust upon him due to the transfer from Virginia Tech, another ACC school.  Recruiting goes on at maryland with Gary searching to fill the void left by Gilchrist’s defection.  Maryland still awaits the the final SAT testing of Sean Mosley in June.  

     The NBA’s most storied rivalry returns tomorrow night as the Lakers and Celtics begin their battle for the NBA Championship.   The match ups do not work for Boston. Pierce though playing great right now, is no match for the 2008 MVP, Kobe Bryant.  Derek Fischer has the experience and better offensive game then Rondo.  Gasol–Kendrick Perkins no doubts there.  Garnett has edge over Lamar Odum.  Ray Allen certainly has the edge over Radmanovic.  The LA bench is vastly superior then the Celtics.  Boston’s home court advantage is lessened by the 2-3-2 format. Phil Jackson has 9 rings–Doc Rivers –None.   Lakers in 5.

Maryland Basketball
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