Gary Has In Home Visit With Lance Stephenson—I Guess Maryland is Not Out Of Picture

I have been saying all along that the Lance chase is not over and now we find out that as recent as last Friday Gary met with Born Ready. From,we continue to get the same mantra that Maryland is out of the running for Lance. First of all it’s obvious Lance waited until Gary visited before any announcements were made. It’s hard to believe that Lance continues to play second fiddle waiting for Xavier Henry to choose or pass on Kansas. Meanwhile I wonder where this leaves Terrell Vinson and UMass. It will be interesting to see the domino effect of the first guy who commits.

On the Lady’s front, 6’4 Monique Oliver has withdrawn her commitmenyt to USC. After the defections of Drey Mingo and Marah Strickland, Brenda would love to add Oliver to her 2009 class.

Maryland Basketball
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