A Message From Chris Turner’s Dad to his Son on Graduation Day
I just want to say

How proud I am of my son! Theres not one word that desribes it better.
He has handled adversity better than anyone that I have ever known,
He always has a great attitude and an open heart!
He is someone who can make you smile when you really dont feel like smiling!He is someone who has proven to us all that if you work hard enough and stick with it things will be O.K. 
From a youth football player at the age of 8 years old he was told that you CANT be a qb …. LOL well you can…


And now he graduates from UMD. Thanks CT for all the memories. And thank all of you for your support!

(This is excerpted from terrapintimes.com)

Maryland Football
There is One Response to this Post
  1. Grace Turner

    I second that emotion! No where in the world could a mom be more proud of a son than I am of mine. Chris has passed (no pun intended) all expectations and continues to do so every day of what you’d like your son to grow up and be. I have been truely blessed with the most wonderful son and the most unbelievable memories that most parents don’t get in a lifetime. Thanks CT!! I love you! Mom

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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