THE BIGGEST GAME AT COMCAST EVER!!!!!!!!—2010 Recruit Pe’Shon Howard Will Be in the House

Maryland Terps Basketball Recruit PeShon Howard

This is no exaggeration. This is just fact. Tickets are impossible to come by –$300-$500 a piece, but nobody is selling!!!

—First place in the ACC is at stake.

–Greivis’, Eric’s, and Landon’s last game at Comcast.

–The Terrapins are on a terrific roll.

Coach Williams has done an incredible job with this team and Greivis has thrust himself into the National Player of the Year Picture.

–The house will be packed with recruits galore and just about every notable sports figure from the area. One young man I know will be there is Pe’Shon Howard from Oak Hill Academy who when offered his scholarship by Gary responded with an instant yes. This kid loves Maryland and has already started recruiting for the Terps. Welcome Pe’Shon.

—Duke is in town and I truely believe this game is on equal footing.

–WOW, I am pumped up 21 hours before game time.

Maryland Basketball
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