2 X Factors in Round One—Kelvin Lewis and Sean Mosley

All the talk this week has been about 2 superstars, Aubrey Coleman and of course Greivis but if Houston will make a run at this game it will be #00 Kelvin Lewis who will be the X factor. My guess and believe me it is only a guess, is that the Terrapins’ X factor Sean Mosley will draw the assignment of guarding Lewis. Lewis struck for 28 points in the upset win over over UTEP. Tom Penders realizes that it was Lewis not Coleman who saved his job. Mosley is our lockdown defender–take Lewis out of the picture and Coleman would have to score 40. Greivis and Eric will See that doesn’t happen.

Maryland Basketball
There Are 3 Responses to this Post
  1. freddy from boca

    it’s my guess that mosley will guard coleman. i don’t think you want your point guard or best shooter using a tremendous amount of energy guarding a guy who controls the ball as much as coleman does. you want your best defensive player going at it with the ncaa’s number one scorer.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  2. freddy from boca

    even if gary would say i’m putting vasquez on coleman i would say that is flat out stupid. you put your best defensive player on coleman who takes a majority of the shots for houston and handles the ball a great deal. neither vasquez or hayes are good defensively. it takes a lot of energy to play defense. why would you want your best 2 offensive players using all their energy on defense?

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  3. freddy from boca

    sorry about my second comment. must be deja vu all over again

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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