Franklin Mystery Deepens

Well I guess Comcast was wrong—James hasn’t signed yet. This Coach in waiting issue has thrown the situation into chaos. I am not sure which is more complicated –if he stays or leaves. Kevin Anderson will have his hands full either way. For my money I hope he stays. And that is no criticism on the guy I voted for as ACC Coach of the Year—Ralph Friedgen.

Maryland Football
There Are 2 Responses to this Post
  1. Ryan

    Where I don’t think the Raven’s issues are with Harbaugh, I also don’t think any Terp’s issues are with the Fridge.
    I think for as great of a recruiter he is (considering they don’t have a TV deal, or any other things they need to get the blue chippers), he is very much one of the OC’s, like Cameron, that thinks they are too smart for their own good.
    How many 3rd and 1’s, did he drop to pass, that was easily snuffed out. In fact, some times, the defense dropped 8 into coverage. Everyone in the stadium knows you are gonna pass in that situation, if every time….you pass.
    Anyway, I think they need to go after someone WAY up on the rise. A big name WR coach from Texas, or USC, or Auburn, or one of the elite programs.
    Someone big time.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  2. Ryan

    I was refering to Franklin in that last post. Sorry, it’s confusing.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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