Judgement Day for Men’s Lacrosse—Win Needed Over North Carolina to Assure NCAA Bid

Will Yeatman is back tonight for the final 2009 push fot the Men’s lacrosse team. Jason Carter will be in the nets. Even though Inside lacrosse already has the Terps in the 16 team NCAA field, Coach Cottle believes a win is necessary to guarantee the bid. The game is 5PM at Kenan Field in North Carolinand can be seen on ACC Select.  Maryland won a hard fought battle 8-7 in College Park earlier in the season. The Terrapins are coming off a strong 9-2 victory over Penn last Saturday.  LOOK FOR THE TERRAPINS TO DOMINATE THIS GAME AND WIN 11-7!!!

Three Terps were named to the ALL ACC squad yesterday. Senior Middie Dan Groot, Attackman Ryan Young, and Defenseman Max Schmidt grabbed the honors. 

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