Unbelievably Shaq found out about this blockbuster trade on Twitter. Shaq and Kobe in LA –3 Titles . Shaq and Dwayne in Miami–1 Title. Now Shaq and LeBron. Is Shaq over the hill. I don’t think so. By the way Steve Kerr gets the award for athe quickest destruction of a franchise I have ever seen. Expect to see Nash released soon–Why? Because SK has no clue!!!!
freddy in boca
For Shaq to help Cleveland he needs to give them 20-25 effective min. a game. Shaq had a real good season last year. The Cavs need someone to match up with D Howard of Orlando which Shaq can do a good part of the game. Plus Ilkauskus is a good outside shooter so teams may have trouble matching up and this helps Shaq down low. And Shaq knows how to win and when he feels he has a chance to win he plays a lot harder.