Tiger Pursues Claret Jug At Turnberry

I often wonder why  ESPN doesn’t televise the early teeoff times at the British Open. Tiger, Lee Westwood, and a Japanese teen sensation tee off at 4:09 EST. I had the privilege of going to Scotland one time and among the courses I played were Royal Troon and Turnberry. Royal troon was the more difficult of the 2 with many 200 plus carries that were not kind to my straying tee shots. Add 30 mile an hour winds and intermittent rain and the day I played I probably would not have broken 150 with gimmees, had I continued to keep score. The Ailsa Course at Turnberry is a gorgeous track that also left me helpless. This trip I could not find my drives and my caddy finally told me on 15 that caddying for me might make him quit the game. Woodholme golf pro Pat Coyner will make his predictions on the website tomorrow and appear for a brief day one summary on Thursday night.

Check out some great video of Turnberry at http://www.opengolf.com/ChampionshipGolf/TheOpenChampionship/TheCourse.aspx

There Are 2 Responses to this Post
  1. Freddy in chilly Boca

    Obvioulsy, Tiger has to be the favorite. But look for young Rory McAlroy to make a good showing. He’s my longshot pick to win “The Open”.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  2. Freddy in chilly Boca

    Considering the low numbers golf attracts other than when Tiger is on or close to the lead in the last 2 rounds of a tournament and considering the cost of tv production it’s hard to imagine ESPN showing live coverage on a golf tournnament at 4 in the morning on the east coast. When your audience consists of 35 people-7 on drugs-4 drunk, 4 dogs, a cat and 2 annoying birds stuck in a cage watching at that hour you have a hard time getting money from sponsors.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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