Mark Wahlberg a 12 Handicap—Johnny Drama –a 14—-I Doubt It–Neither Player Would Have Broken 100 at Trump’s Course at Palos Verdes

Entourage is one of my favorite shows but casting its Executive producer and one of its stars, Kevin Dillon as excellent golfers is a joke. Playing at supposedly the #1 course in Cali–Trump International at Palos Verdes—it seemed to me that Wahlberg won the first hole with a double quadruple bogey 12. Drama picked up at 14. From the holes he finished Kevin Dillon (who had Turtle as his non bag carrying caddie) had 2 pars, maybe 3 bogeys,  2 doubles, and 11 pickups. Between the 2 players 3 5-7 foot putts were made and no other ball made it into the hole as 4 footers or less were conceded. But it was fun–watch it this week on the golf channel.

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