It pains me to even think about the fact that tomorrow, we should all be going to M&T to watch an AFC Champiuonship Game, but alas we are not. We must suffer through a game between our enemy and whatever the Jets are. The Jets will win this game because the Steelers are so beat up from last week. Revis island reminds me of when Deion Sanders used to shut down 1/2 of the field in his playing days. Cromartie will the help he needs, LT will rule the day, and as usual sanchez will be just good enough to lead the Jets to victory. Jets 17 Steelers 14

I don’t care about the Bears playing at home. Is the weather going to scare Green bay. In Green bay in January 10 degrees is a balmy spring day. The Packers have currently the hottest defense in football and they will stop Jay Cutler. ITS A NO BRAINER PACKERS 23 BEARS 14

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