Terrapin BBball Attendance Takes Some Hard Knocks

I’m not a buyer. It was one game that started at 9PM. I can’t speak for why the student section wasn’t filled but it was more an aberration then anything else. 15000 is not a horrible crowd expecially when many alumni and fans wont get home til after 1230 AM and have to work the next day. The home games on Saturdays and Sundays still have the drawing pop as exhibited this year when the Clemson game created a scramble for tickets that I haven’t seen in a long while. I will keep an eye on this. Oh–for the football doubters out there observe the Miami game seelout. Remember where you heard it from.

There Are 5 Responses to this Post
  1. burke

    Are you really using a 9pm start time as an excuse for undergrads — undergrads that live a couple hundred yards away? Give me a break.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  2. Jeff Gott

    Gary Williams for whatever reason stopped scheduling great OOC basketball games. No Kentucky, No Florida, No Gtown, No Texas, No Tenn, No Pittsburg or any other big name basketball school plays at Comcast anymore. Just the ACC with NC and Duke.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  3. freddy from boca

    to jeff…when was the last time kentucky played md at college park. i know ky played at cole in 1966 but that was against texas western (now texas el paso). when was the last time pitt played md at college park? or fl? or texas?
    or tn? i do agree i would like to see top team s from ooc play md.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  4. NaptownTerrapin

    Freddy –

    UK – 1999
    Pitt – Never
    Florida – 2002
    Texas – Never
    Tenn – Not only have we never played them at home, but we’ve never played them at all in hoops

    A few other notable OOC home draws lately:

    Illinois – 2001, 2007
    Wisconsin – 2003
    Villanova – 2009 (Ok, Verizon Center, but that’s basically home)

    Agreed, I’d like to see at least one big hitter on the home schedule every year, but with so many early-season tournaments, many of those games are played on neutral courts these days…

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

  5. NaptownTerrapin

    By the way, these game records only go back to the ’89-’90 season, courtesy of http://www.terrapinstats.com.

    Reply ·   11/12/2019

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