By Jordan Viener – I have always felt like UMD and pro sports have a strange relationship. What I mean by this is that the Maryland fanbase is almost dead split between the DC and Baltimore metro areas, just look at this poll from Testudo Times few months back. Because of this divide, I feel like both the media team for the Terps, as well as Terp media outlets have been reluctant to embrace pro teams due to the risk of alienating the other 35-40% of fans.
As a Terp fan growing up in the DC suburbs I have always been a DC fan through and through, and yes I don’t really like it when Maryland openly roots for the Ravens or O’s. I feel like it’s almost like a “stick to sports” thing, I know that the Maryland fanbase is split between Baltimore and DC, so why are you bringing this divisive element to our unified front?
The Wizards and Capitals are somewhat different I think, because Baltimore doesn’t have a presence in either. With the Capitals on this magical run is it okay to bring them into the Maryland fan base? One of the reason’s I ask is during the podcast meeting with Intern Mason we brought the idea of bringing up Caps and decided almost instantly no, because we don’t want to alienate the Baltimore segment of Terp nation, was this the right call? I really don’t know the answer. All I know is I’m #ALLCAPS.
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